When it comes to minimizing overhead and maximizing ROI on printing, most business leaders don’t fully realize the untapped potential in managed print services. That’s where EO Johnson Managed Print Services implementation plan comes in. Because while insiders may feel they have a firm handle on their printing expenses, a full-scale audit frequently reveals potential cost and time savings that are far better than staff would have ever imagined.
If your company is like most, you want to follow managed print services best practices. But where do you start? The truth is, it’s all about process.
When printer needs arise, if your organization is typical, you may have a staff member who searches for printers on the internet, then orders what seems cheapest, with no regard for what it takes to run that device, or the real costs to the company in terms of human, physical and financial resources.
“That’s typically how it’s been handled for the last 50 years, says Steve Cain, Managed Print Services Director at EO Johnson Company.
But like many business practices, what worked 50 years ago might not work as well in the modern world. And while many managed print services vendors might provide you with a printer, EO Johnson stands alone in its level of service and expertise by providing something invaluable to companies at absolutely no cost: a roadmap to making their business better.
The experts at EO Johnson Managed Print Services show clients the way by starting with an audit. “What we do is we define what it is that they need and what they are using it for. Then we audit the customer for the cost of print,” explains Cain. “We go to that extra effort, in most cases, with no money exchanged.”
That’s right. EO Johnson will provide an audit of your company’s printing needs, expenses and ROI, then formulate a plan that saves you time and resources, typically with no upfront costs. It’s simply part of the process of managed print services, at a company that’s used to doing things differently. The end result: leaders in your organization can make an educated buying decision, based on fact.
So while other vendors might just sell you printers, or get you to sign what’s nothing more than a maintenance contract, EO Johnson Managed Print Services operates like a strategic partner, helping you discover efficiencies and improve processes.
It starts with a consultation and the identification of how your business is meeting its printing needs today. After that, EO Johnson establishes permission through a print management audit contract to do a deep dive and better understand your current spend on all aspects of printing—likely with a far higher level of detail than you’ve ever experienced. From HR records to financials, paper forms, software, power bills, phone records and even desktop printers, experts will examine every aspect of printing within your company.
There’s a reason why most companies and managed print services vendors have never looked at printing this way: it’s time-consuming and difficult.
EO Johnson knows it’s part of an in-depth process that forges real solutions for companies. And again, all of that happens generally at no cost.
The end result: leaders in your organization can make an educated buying decision, based on fact.
EO Johnson will audit your company’s printing needs, expenses and ROI, then formulate a plan that saves you time and resources, generally at no cost to you.
When clients get the audit results, it’s often the first time they’ve seen the full picture of printing at their organization.
“They are stunned at the numbers most of the time, they can’t believe it,” says Cain. His team is currently working with a university to help them discover printing efficiencies and a better way to do business. “They were shocked at what they were spending and what we were potentially going to save them. It’s in the millions of dollars, based on the size of the client and where they sit today. It’s a drastic change to their infrastructure.”
Shining a light on shifts in infrastructure that can lead to savings, and managed print services best practices, is often another huge eye-opener. Have you ever wondered how many steps your staff are taking to pick up a printed item? Do you have any idea how well used or underutilized your desk printers are? Have you ever calculated how much it costs to have your C-suite leaders walk down the hall every time they send something to the printer? EO Johnson calculates all of this, identifies workflow and infrastructure issues, and puts together a floor plan. Then they develop a proposal, or a managed print service implementation plan, that minimizes downtime while changing your business for the better.
EO Johnson is so confident that their approach to managed print services will create measurable results in your organization, it’s important to note that up to this point in most cases, no money is exchanged.
When it comes time to think about managed print services best practices, company leadership will appreciate the ability to look at hard numbers so they can make a sound business decision on how to address and improve the company’s printing services. But just as importantly, they’ll be able to feel confident in the security of sensitive company data and information.
“Image Guard is our fully-secured solution,” explains Cain, “and our Locknet division helps with that.” Unlike manufacturers who have security software that works solely with their devices, the Locknet solution works with any manufacturer. More, it’s supported. “We will audit them two times a year, and secure those devices twice a year for both regulated and non-regulated companies.”
And security is no small matter. In a time when a company’s vulnerability to cybercrime can have such a profound impact on its bottom line, even the seemingly innocuous printer represents a potential problem.
“One of the biggest financial risks in a financial institution are their printers,” Cain says. And while most related companies have to upgrade their printers and submit documentation to auditors to keep them up to spec, EO Johnson provides that service for customers.
Imagine getting printing right: the right printing devices in the right locations with the right level of security for the right price. Imagine minimal downtime during changes to infrastructure that will better your business for the long-term. Imagine regular strategic business reviews that ensure you stay up to date on security and other printing tech needs.
You can’t do all of that with just any managed print services vendor. But you don’t have to imagine the perfect business partner to strategize, streamline and optimize your printing: EO Johnson offers all of that, more than any other managed print services vendor.
Are you ready to optimize print for you organization? Contact us for your free managed print services consultation and printing audit. You’re just steps away from making your business better.